Arash Moussavian Entertainment Law

If you been convicted of a marijuana a very good chance exists that your past record can be cleaned up under Proposition 64.  On November 8, 2016 the California Legislature passed The Adult Use of Marijuana Act (“AUMA") via Proposition 64 essentially making marijuana legal in most situations in California.  Nearly all marijuana crimes previously deemed felonies have retroactively been (1) reduced to misdemeanors or (2) decriminalized altogether.  However, relief is not automatic, and you must petition the court for this relief.

I specialize in reducing felony convictions under Proposition 64 allowing me to provide a specialized service at the absolute lowest fixed price anywhere.  Reducing a felony conviction under Proposition 64 will restore all your civil liberties, including the right to own a firearm. Further, my fixed price means no uncertainty.  I will handle your case from the beginning assuring you are in knowledgeable hands.


Restoring Gun Rights With Proposition 64

If a felony marijuana conviction is preventing you from owning a gun, reducing that felony under Proposition 64 will restore your Second Amendment right to once again own a firearm.  By utilizing Proposition 64 I can often return you to the full legal status you had prior to getting the felony marijuana conviction. 


Individualized Approach To Prop 64 Felony Reduction

From the moment you sign up with me I research and gather the unique details of your case allowing me to tailor my Proposition 64 felony reduction service to your specific needs.  I am different from other attorneys because I take the time to understand the unique details of your Proposition 64 felony reduction case giving the best chance at success in clearing up your record.  This unique tailored approach has allowed me to win over 98% of my Proposition 64 cases.


Trusted Proposition 64 Experience

Since 2010 I have successfully won hundreds of record clearance cases for my clients.  My vast experience with Proposition 64 allows me to use my unique knowledge in this area of law to best help you with your Proposition 64 felony reduction.  I pride myself on providing impeccable customer service throughout the record clearance process. 


No Hidden Fees

Beware of law firms that have hidden fees on their early termination of probation service (e.g., processing fees, hearing fees, etcetera).  I offer low fixed pricing, which means you know what your Proposition 64 felony reduction will cost upfront with no hidden fees.  My single low price covers everything from start to finish.


Transparency Throughout The Proposition 64 Process

Many of my clients express frustration with difficulty getting in touch with their previous attorney.  I am different.  I strongly value open communication throughout the Proposition 64 felony reduction process.  I make myself easily available by telephone and email. 


Stress-Free Process

I offer a full-service process whereby you do not have to worry about the details of your case. Since I have done so many Proposition 64 record clearance cases, I know what is required to get your case cleaned up as fast as possible.  I draft and file all the required Proposition 64 moving papers with the court, pay filing and court fees on your behalf, serve proper notice on the district attorney and probation department, and attend all hearings on your behalf.  You will not be required to go to court because I attend all hearings on your behalf.  Therefore, once you hire me to handle your Proposition 64 case, you can rest assured you are in good hands.  


Criminal Database Updating After Successful Proposition 64

All criminal databases used for employment background checks, both private and public, will automatically update within 30 days after your Proposition 64 case is complete.  You should never pay a company or law firm for any service that claims to “expedite” this updating process.


Do You Have Multiple Marijuana Cases?

If you have multiple marijuana cases you would like to clean up, please call me for a free consultation.  I will assess your situation, discuss your options, and provide you with discounted pricing (my pricing goes down with each additional case I handle for you). Please call me at (415) 695-4545.


Proposition 64 (Adult Marijuana Use Act) Summary

On November 8, 2016 the California Legislature passed a law decriminalizing most marijuana crimes and reducing the severity of others.  This means anyone with a previous misdemeanor marijuana crime can likely have his criminal conviction and all associated case information completely removed from his record.  Further, almost all individuals with a felony marijuana conviction will be able to reduce the felony down to a misdemeanor thereby restore all civil liberties including the right to own a firearm under the Second Amendment.  Below is a chart highlighting the different treatment of the various marijuana criminal charges before, and after, the passage of Prop 64 (Adult Use of Marijuana Act).


Prop 64 Historical Comparison

Marijuana Crime                           Code Section PRIOR to Prop 64            AFTER Prop 64

Possession of 28.5 grams or less             HS 11357           Infraction                           Legal

Possession of 8 grams or less          HS 11357         Misdemeanor                 Legal

Cultivation of 6 plants or less            HS 11358         Felony                            Legal

Cultivation of more than 6 plants       HS 11358        Felony                            Misdemeanor

Possession for sale without license   HS 11359        Felony                            Misdemeanor

Sale/transportation without license    HS 11360        Felony                            Misdemeanor


Therefore, if you have previous marijuana criminal cases on your record, you should act now to have your record cleaned up under Proposition 64.  I specialize in getting previous marijuana convictions cleaned up pursuant to Proposition 64.  My most popular Proposition 64 service is getting a felony marijuana case reduced to a misdemeanor.  The typical Proposition 64 case takes from six-12-weeks in most counties.  I appear at all hearings on your behalf a service included in my fixed price, which means you do not need to go to court.  Since I specialize in Proposition 64 record clearance and handle so many similar cases, I am able to offer my services at the lowest fixed prices. 


Do My Marijuana Convictions Ever Go Away On There Own?

The most common misconception is that after a certain amount of time your criminal conviction is automatically removed from your criminal record.  This belief is false because your marijuana case will never be automatically removed from your criminal record.  To remove or clean up your marijuana case you must pursue a Proposition 64 record clearance and/or expungement pursuant to Penal Code 1203.4 both of which require you to petition the court for relief.


Lowest Price Guarantee

Getting your marijuana case expunged should not break your bank.  Given my expertise in getting marijuana convictions expunged for my clients, I guarantee I have the lowest priced Proposition 64 Reduction service.


Benefits of Proposition 64 Relief

Proposition 64 record clearance provides many tangible benefits:

     1. If you seal the record, it will no longer be visible to anybody.

     2. If I reduce your felony marijuana conviction to a misdemeanor, your civil liberties will be restored including your Second Amendment right to own a firearm.

     3. You can truthfully and legally answer “no” on job applications when asked if you have ever been convicted of a crime.

     4. You greatly increase your earning capacity by becoming eligible for more employment opportunities.

     5. You become eligible for many types of professional licenses and certificates.

     6. You become eligible for better student loans.

     7. You become eligible for better housing assistance.

     8. You can tell friends and family you have not been convicted of the marijuana crime.

     9. You have the satisfaction of forgetting the past and moving forward into a positive future.


Why It Is Important To Hire A Prop 64 Lawyer

The Adult Use of Marijuana Act is fairly complex and hiring a knowledgeable attorney is essential to the success of your Proposition 64 petition.  I have successfully won hundreds of record clearance cases since 2010.  My experience allows me to provide you with a strong chance of success in your Proposition 64 case. 

I am dedicated to record clearance laws and specialize in Proposition 64 record clearance.  From the time you sign up for my Proposition 64 record clearance service until the resolution of your case I will handle everything for you including the services below:

     1. Analyzing your unique case details.

     2. Providing expert legal advice.

     3. Conduct necessary legal research.

     4. Providing an accurate assessment of your chances of success.

     5. Preparing supporting evidence.

     6. Preparing the petition.

     7. Filing the petition with the court.

     8. Serving the petition on the district attorney and probation department.

     9. Paying all court costs.

     10. Paying all filling fees.

     11. Scheduling the hearing.

     12. Responding to any district attorney opposition.

     13. Attend court hearings on your behalf.

     14. Arguing your case at court hearings.

     15. Obtain a signed court order.

     16. Updating the criminal databases.

     17. Re-filing (if necessary).

     18. Case status updates to you.


Proposition 64 Marijuana Case Reduction 

If you been convicted of a marijuana a very good chance exists that your past record can be cleaned up under Proposition 64.  On November 8, 2016 the California Legislature passed The Adult Use of Marijuana Act (“AUMA") via Proposition 64 essentially making marijuana legal in most situations in California.  Nearly all marijuana crimes previously deemed felonies have retroactively been (1) reduced to misdemeanors or (2) decriminalized altogether.  However, relief is not automatic, and you must petition the court for this relief.

I specialize in reducing felony convictions under Proposition 64 allowing me to provide a specialized service at the absolute lowest fixed price anywhere.  Reducing a felony conviction under Proposition 64 will restore all your civil liberties, including the right to own a firearm. Further, my fixed price means no uncertainty.  I will handle your case from the beginning assuring you are in knowledgeable hands.


Restoring Gun Rights With Proposition 64

If a felony marijuana conviction is preventing you from owning a gun, reducing that felony under Proposition 64 will restore your Second Amendment right to once again own a firearm.  By utilizing Proposition 64 I can often return you to the full legal status you had prior to getting the felony marijuana conviction. 


Individualized Approach To Prop 64 Felony Reduction

From the moment you sign up with me I research and gather the unique details of your case allowing me to tailor my Proposition 64 felony reduction service to your specific needs.  I am different from other attorneys because I take the time to understand the unique details of your Proposition 64 felony reduction case giving the best chance at success in clearing up your record.  This unique tailored approach has allowed me to win over 98% of my Proposition 64 cases.


Trusted Proposition 64 Experience

Since 2010 I have successfully won hundreds of record clearance cases for my clients.  My vast experience with Proposition 64 allows me to use my unique knowledge in this area of law to best help you with your Proposition 64 felony reduction.  I pride myself on providing impeccable customer service throughout the record clearance process. 


No Hidden Fees

Beware of law firms that have hidden fees on their early termination of probation service (e.g., processing fees, hearing fees, etcetera).  I offer low fixed pricing, which means you know what your Proposition 64 felony reduction will cost upfront with no hidden fees.  My single low price covers everything from start to finish.


Transparency Throughout The Proposition 64 Process

Many of my clients express frustration with difficulty getting in touch with their previous attorney.  I am different.  I strongly value open communication throughout the Proposition 64 felony reduction process.  I make myself easily available by telephone and email. 


Stress-Free Process

I offer a full-service process whereby you do not have to worry about the details of your case. Since I have done so many Proposition 64 record clearance cases, I know what is required to get your case cleaned up as fast as possible.  I draft and file all the required Proposition 64 moving papers with the court, pay filing and court fees on your behalf, serve proper notice on the district attorney and probation department, and attend all hearings on your behalf.  You will not be required to go to court because I attend all hearings on your behalf.  Therefore, once you hire me to handle your Proposition 64 case, you can rest assured you are in good hands.  


Criminal Database Updating After Successful Proposition 64

All criminal databases used for employment background checks, both private and public, will automatically update within 30 days after your Proposition 64 case is complete.  You should never pay a company or law firm for any service that claims to “expedite” this updating process.


Do You Have Multiple Marijuana Cases?

If you have multiple marijuana cases you would like to clean up, please call me for a free consultation.  I will assess your situation, discuss your options, and provide you with discounted pricing (my pricing goes down with each additional case I handle for you). Please call me at (415) 695-4545.


Proposition 64 (Adult Marijuana Use Act) Summary

On November 8, 2016 the California Legislature passed a law decriminalizing most marijuana crimes and reducing the severity of others.  This means anyone with a previous misdemeanor marijuana crime can likely have his criminal conviction and all associated case information completely removed from his record.  Further, almost all individuals with a felony marijuana conviction will be able to reduce the felony down to a misdemeanor thereby restore all civil liberties including the right to own a firearm under the Second Amendment.  Below is a chart highlighting the different treatment of the various marijuana criminal charges before, and after, the passage of Prop 64 (Adult Use of Marijuana Act).


Prop 64 Historical Comparison

Marijuana Crime                           Code SectionPRIOR to Prop 64            AFTER Prop 64

Possession of 28.5 grams or less.      HS 11357            Infraction                    Legal

Possession of 8 grams or less.               HS 11357            Misdemeanor            Legal

Cultivation of 6 plants or less.            HS 11358  Felony                          Legal

Cultivation of more than 6 plants.  HS 11358  Felony                          Misdemeanor

Possession for sale without license.HS 11359  Felony                          Misdemeanor

Sale /Transportation without license            HS 11360  Felony                          Misdemeanor


Therefore, if you have previous marijuana criminal cases on your record, you should act now to have your record cleaned up under Proposition 64.  I specialize in getting previous marijuana convictions cleaned up pursuant to Proposition 64.  My most popular Proposition 64 service is getting a felony marijuana case reduced to a misdemeanor.  The typical Proposition 64 case takes from six-12-weeks in most counties.  I appear at all hearings on your behalf a service included in my fixed price, which means you do not need to go to court.  Since I specialize in Proposition 64 record clearance and handle so many similar cases, I am able to offer my services at the lowest fixed prices. 


Do My Marijuana Convictions Ever Go Away On There Own?

The most common misconception is that after a certain amount of time your criminal conviction is automatically removed from your criminal record.  This belief is false because your marijuana case will never be automatically removed from your criminal record.  To remove or clean up your marijuana case you must pursue a Proposition 64 record clearance and/or expungement pursuant to Penal Code 1203.4 both of which require you to petition the court for relief.


Lowest Price Guarantee

Getting your marijuana case expunged should not break your bank.  Given my expertise in getting marijuana convictions expunged for my clients, I guarantee I have the lowest priced Proposition 64 Reduction service.


Benefits of Proposition 64 Relief

Proposition 64 record clearance provides many tangible benefits:

     1. If you seal the record, it will no longer be visible to anybody.

     2. If I reduce your felony marijuana conviction to a misdemeanor, your civil liberties will be restored including your Second Amendment right to own a firearm.

     3. You can truthfully and legally answer “no” on job applications when asked if you have ever been convicted of a crime.

     4. You greatly increase your earning capacity by becoming eligible for more employment opportunities.

     5. You become eligible for many types of professional licenses and certificates.

     6. You become eligible for better student loans.

     7. You become eligible for better housing assistance.

     8. You can tell friends and family you have not been convicted of the marijuana crime.

     9. You have the satisfaction of forgetting the past and moving forward into a positive future.


Why It Is Important To Hire A Prop 64 Lawyer

The Adult Use of Marijuana Act is fairly complex and hiring a knowledgeable attorney is essential to the success of your Proposition 64 petition.  I have successfully won hundreds of record clearance cases since 2010.  My experience allows me to provide you with a strong chance of success in your Proposition 64 case. 

I am dedicated to record clearance laws and specialize in Proposition 64 record clearance.  From the time you sign up for my Proposition 64 record clearance service until the resolution of your case I will handle everything for you including the services below:

     1. Analyzing your unique case details.

     2. Providing expert legal advice.

     3. Conduct necessary legal research.

     4. Providing an accurate assessment of your chances of success.

     5. Preparing supporting evidence.

     6. Preparing the petition.

     7. Filing the petition with the court.

     8. Serving the petition on the district attorney and probation department.

     9. Paying all court costs.

     10. Paying all filling fees.

     11. Scheduling the hearing.

     12. Responding to any district attorney opposition.

     13. Attend court hearings on your behalf.

     14. Arguing your case at court hearings.

     15. Obtain a signed court order.

     16. Updating the criminal databases.

     17. Re-filing (if necessary).

     18. Case status updates to you.