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A common misperception is that your juvenile criminal record automatically gets sealed when you turn 18.  However, the only way your juvenile record will be sealed is if you take the appropriate actions to seal your record.  This also means that if you have a juvenile record this information will be visible on any background check conducted until you take the action to seal your juvenile record.  With over 80% of employers conducting background checks you are at a significant disadvantage in a tough job market.

Once I seal your juvenile record it is like it never existed.  If any of the involved law enforcement agencies are contacted regarding your juvenile record, they must reply that “they have no record of the matter.”  Further, all the details of your juvenile offense will be deleted from the national databases used for background checks.  Also, you will be able to honestly state you have never been adjudicated or arrested.  The process of sealing your juvenile record allows you to put your youthful mistakes behind you.  I specialize in juvenile record sealing and pride myself on producing consistent positive outcomes for my clients.


Unique Tailored Approach

No two cases are the same.  It is important that the attorney you hire spends the time to understand the unique details of your situation.  I specialize in focusing on the unique facts in your juvenile record sealing case allowing me to craft the strongest arguments possible for the court.  This unique tailored approach gives me the best chance at getting you a successful outcome in your juvenile record sealing case and has allowed me to win over 98% of my cases.


No Hidden Fees

Beware of law firms that have hidden fees on their early termination of probation service (e.g., processing fees, hearing fees, etcetera).  I offer low fixed pricing, which means you know what your juvenile record sealing will cost upfront with no hidden fees.  My single low price covers everything from start to finish.


Juvenile Record Sealing Summary

The legislature has addressed your right to put your juvenile mistake behind you for good with Welfare and Institutions Code (“WIC”) 781.  Under WIC 781 I am able to petition the juvenile court to permanently seal your juvenile record.

Once I file the petition with the juvenile court, the judge will set a hearing date.  At the hearing the judge will review your petition and supporting evidence.  The judge has the discretion to grant the petition and will base his decision on many factors the most important being whether he feels you have been rehabilitated.  In other words the judge needs to believe that sealing your record will have a positive effect on your adult life and that it is in the interest of society to do so.

If the judge grants the petition your record will be officially sealed and will essentially cease to exist.  This means all activity associated with the juvenile record will be erased from the national databases used by private employers for background checks.  All involved agencies are required to respond to any inquiries regarding your juvenile record with, “we have no record of that matter.”  Further, you will be able to legally say you have never been arrested.  Sealing your juvenile record will undoubtedly make you a more marketable employee candidate in this competitive job market where over 80% of employers conduct background checks.

However, not all juvenile records are eligible to be sealed under Welfare and Institutions Code 781.  Below are the eligibility requirements:

     1. You were not sent to the Division of Juvenile Justice (“DJJ”) (formerly known as the California Youth Authority (“CYA”) and commonly referred to as Juvenile Hall or Juvie).  If you were sent to Juvenile Hall you may be eligible for my juvenile record set aside service.

     2. You are 18 years or older now or the jurisdiction of the juvenile court terminated at least five years ago (whichever comes first).

     3. You were not charged with a “serious violent felony” under Welfare and Institutions Code 707(b) when you were 14 or older.

     4. Your juvenile case was not heard in adult court, and you were not convicted in adult court. However, if your juvenile offense resulted in an adult conviction I may be able to expunge that adult conviction with my other expungement services.

     5. You cannot have been convicted of a crime of moral turpitude as an adult (i.e., offenses that are intuitively wrong or dishonest).  Examples include theft, violent crimes, drug-related crimes, etcetera.  Examples of crimes not considered crimes of moral turpitude include: DUI, trespassing, drunk in public, regulatory offenses, etcetera. 

     6. No pending civil litigation exits arising from any of your juvenile incidents.

I specialize in juvenile record sealing.  From the second you sign up with me I will strive to get you the best possible outcome.  I will use my expertise to draft a concise and persuasive petition to the court with the appropriate evidentiary support.  I will also attend all hearings during which I passionately argue your case on your behalf.  I handle everything for you from start to finish, and I offer the absolute lowest fixed price anywhere. I guarantee my price is the lowest.  The average juvenile record sealing case takes two-six months and depends on how backed up the court is at the time I file the petition.  I deeply pride myself on my ability to help my clients forget their past so that they can embrace the future. 


Benefits of Juvenile Record Sealing

Do not let your stupid childhood choices affect your adult life including your income earning ability.  Once I successfully seal your juvenile record under Welfare and Institutions 781 you will experience the following tangible benefits:

     1. You juvenile record will be completely sealed, which means it will essentially cease to exist.

     2. Your juvenile record will not be displayed on any background checks.

     3. All involved law enforcement agencies will be required to answer all inquiries regarding your juvenile record with, “we have no record of that matter.”

     4. You can truthfully and legally answer “no” on private sector job applications when asked if you have ever been arrested or convicted of a crime.

     5. You can greatly increase your earning capacity by becoming eligible for more employment opportunities.

     6. You become eligible for more types of professional licenses and certificates

     7. You can become eligible for better student loans.

     8. You can become eligible for better housing assistance.

     9. You can tell friends and family you have not been arrested or convicted of a crime.

     10. You have the satisfaction of forgetting the past for good and moving forward into a positive future.


Why An Experienced Attorney Is Essential

Hiring an experienced attorney is critical for your juvenile record sealing case.  Having an attorney that understands the juvenile courts and intricacies of Welfare and Institutions 781 (“WIC”) will greatly increase your chance of successfully getting your juvenile record sealed.  A knowledgeable attorney will apply the applicable laws to the unique details of your case and use your distinct facts to demonstrate to the judge and any opposing parties the virtues in granting your WIC 781 petition.  It is important you have a knowledgeable ally in attendance at your hearings who knows how to handle the specific legal procedures of juvenile court and who is comfortable responding to any district attorney opposition.

I am an expert in juvenile record sealing.  My knowledge and experience allows me to provide focused legal representation that optimizes your probability of getting your petition granted, and your juvenile record sealed.  I pride myself on being there for you every step of the way, answering all your questions, and providing professional, knowledgeable, and friendly juvenile record sealing legal services.

From the very first day you hire me to handle your DUI or “wet” reckless expungement case until the day your case has been fully resolved I will be there for you every step of the way. I handle everything from start to finish including the services below:

     1. Analyzing your unique case details.

     2. Providing expert legal advice.

     3. Conduct necessary legal research.

     4. Providing an accurate assessment of your chances of success.

     5. Preparing supporting evidence.

     6. Preparing the petition.

     7. Filing the petition with the court.

     8. Serving the petition on the district attorney and probation department.

     9. Paying all court costs.

     10. Paying all filling fees.

     11. Scheduling the hearing.

     12. Responding to any district attorney opposition.

     13. Attend court hearings on your behalf.

     14. Arguing your case at court hearings.

     15. Obtain a signed court order.

     16. Updating the criminal databases.

     17. Re-filing (if necessary).

     18. Case status updates to you.