Arash Moussavian Entertainment Law

If you are currently on probation in California but anxious to put the past behind you, I can file a motion with the court under Penal Code 1203.3 to have your probation terminated early, and in most situations file a simultaneous petition under Penal Code 1203.4 to expunge the underlying conviction.  This process will allow you to eliminate the stiff restrictions that probation imposes on your life, and it will also allow you to seek employment with the full confidence that an expungement of your past conviction provides.  You will finally be able to truthfully answer “no” when asked if you have been convicted of a crime, which is critical in a competitive job market where the vast majority of employers conduct criminal background checks. 

I specialize in terminating your probation early under Penal Code 1203.3.  Do not wait to get your life back.  A probationary term and a criminal conviction hold you back from promising employment and housing opportunities.  I am here to help you put your mistake behind you as quickly as possible.


A Tailored Approach Unique to You

Every case is unique. It is my goal to find the unique arguments for your case to persuade the court to grant relief in your case.  I take great pride in learning the relevant details of your case, how your criminal conviction is holding you back, and utilizing this information to draft the most persuasive compelling arguments to the court.  Most other attorneys simply check boxes on a form and submit the form to the court.  In contrast I take the time to carefully draft a compelling motion comprised of arguments unique to your situation to provide the best chance of success in your early termination of probation case.  This approach has allowed me to win the majority of my early termination of probation cases for my clients.


No Hidden Fees

Beware of law firms that have hidden fees on their early termination of probation service (e.g., processing fees, hearing fees, etcetera).  I offer low fixed pricing, which means you know what your early termination of probation will cost upfront with no hidden fees.  My single low price covers everything from start to finish.


Open and Honest Communication

The most common complaint I hear from new clients is difficulty in getting their previous attorney to return a call.  I am different.  I value open communication throughout the early termination of probation process and will keep you updated on your case status throughout the process.  I promise to be prompt in replying to your emails and returning your telephone calls.  I take your trust seriously.  I understand that open communication is a big part of a successful attorney-client relationship.  


Criminal Database Updating After Early Termination of Probation and Expungement

All criminal databases used for employment background checks, private and public, will automatically update within 30 days after your misdemeanor expungement is complete.  You should never pay a company or law firm for any service that claims to “expedite” this updating process. 


Lowest Pricing and Fastest Service

No other attorney in California offers a lower price.  Other attorneys charge $2,000-3,000 for this same service, and I will get it done for you in only six-12 weeks.  You benefit from my focus and expertise in this area of law.


Early Termination of Probation and Expungement Summary

A misconception is that you cannot expunge your misdemeanor or felony conviction until you have finished your probation in its entirety.  The fact is that if you are currently on probation in most situations I can motion the court to terminate your probation early.  The court has discretionary authority to order the early termination of your probation in a misdemeanor or felony case at any time under Penal Code 1203.3.  If the court grants early termination of your probation, I can then expunge the underlying conviction often both at the same hearing.


To qualify for my early termination of probation and expungement service your case must meet the following requirements:

     1. You were charged and convicted in state not federal court.  If you are unsure, it is highly likely that your case took place in state court because the vast majority of criminal cases are state cases.

     2. You must currently be on probation.  Although not required it is preferable you have completed at least half of the probationary term.  At the very least I recommend you complete at least one year of misdemeanor probation and 18 months of felony probation before seeking an early termination of probation.

     3. You must have satisfied all the requirements of your sentence (i.e., fines, restitution, mandatory programs, community service, classes, etcetera).  The court will not consider terminating your probation early unless you have completed all the affirmative obligations of your sentence.

     4. You are not currently charged with another criminal offense, on probation for another criminal offense, or serving a sentence for another criminal offense (e.g., you are not on probation for more than one case, etcetera)


     The court will use the criteria below when deciding to grant a motion for early termination of probation:

     1. The seriousness of your conduct leading to the conviction.  The more serious the crime the less likely the court will grant your request. 

     2. The extent of your past criminal record.  If you have multiple convictions demonstrating you are a repeat offender, the court will be much less likely to grant your request. 

     3. Whether the probation is preventing you from gaining employment or other benefits. 


     I meticulously address all of the relevant issues in my (1) pre-hearing interview with you and (2) the Penal Code 1203.3 motion and supporting documents I file with the court on your behalf.

     The average early termination of probation case in takes six-12 weeks.  The sooner we begin working on your case the sooner you can put your mistake behind you.  A hearing is required in nearly all early termination of probation cases during which evidentiary support must be provided in support of your early termination of probation motion.  It is also common for the district attorney to oppose your motion.  One of the benefits of hiring me is that I handle everything for you thereby optimizing your chance of success.  I attend the hearing and argue the motion on your behalf, which means you will not need to personally attend any hearing.  I also will prepare a concise and persuasive response to any opposition by the district attorney.


Lowest Price Guarantee

Given my knowledge in this area of law I offer low, fixed pricing on my early termination of probation service.  If you find an attorney willing to provide the same service for a lower price, call me and I will likely match the price.


Benefits of Early Termination Of Probation In California:

Beyond the peace of mind provided by terminating your probation early, it also has the following tangible benefits:

     1. Allows the underlying conviction to be expunged sooner.

     2. Removes all the restrictive conditions of your probation.

     3. Relieves you from the danger of a probation violation.  If you are accused of violating any criminal law while on probation, the court can send you to jail or prison based simply on your probation violation.


Benefits of Expungement Once Probation is Terminated

Once your probation has been terminated early under Penal Code 1203.3 I can expunge the underlying conviction (felony or misdemeanor), which provides numerous benefits:

     1. Removes the conviction from your criminal record.

     2. Private employers in nearly all cases cannot ask you about convictions dismissed under Penal Code 1203.4, nor can a dismissed conviction be considered for employment purposes.

     3. Your expunged criminal conviction will not show up on most employer background checks.

     4 You can truthfully, and legally, answer “no” on job applications when asked if you have ever been convicted of crime.

     5. You can greatly increase your earning capacity by becoming eligible for more employment opportunities.

     6. You can become eligible for many types of professional licenses and certificates.

     7. Reducing a “wobbler” felony to a misdemeanor can restore certain rights (e.g., Second Amendment right to own a gun).

     8. You can become eligible for student loans.

     9. You can become eligible for housing assistance.

     10. You can tell friends and family that you have not been convicted of a felony.

     11. You have the satisfaction of forgetting the past for good and moving forward into a positive future.


Is Hiring An Experienced Attorney Is Important?

Filing a motion with the court under Penal Code 1203.3 for early termination of probation is a complex legal matter best handled by an experienced attorney.  Since I have successfully worked on many of these cases, I know what type of arguments will work with the court.  I am also well-versed in the various opposition strategies district attorneys will attempt to present thereby allowing me to counter those oppositions and provide the best chance of success on your case.