Arash Moussavian Entertainment Law

Effective January 2011 non-traffic infractions are available for expungement in under Penal Code 1203.4.  Although infractions are considered less serious than misdemeanor and felony convictions, they are still visible on background checks and can prevent you from gaining employment in this competitive job market.  An employer is going to be less likely to hire an individual that has a petty theft infraction or similar crime on his record because it can demonstrate some level of moral questionability. 

I specialize in infraction expungement.  I will handle your infraction expungement case from beginning to end.  I will answer any questions you might have along the way.  Since I specialize in expungement law, I am able to offer my infraction expungement service at the lowest price anywhere and guarantee the lowest price.  I also provide a 100% money back guarantee which means if I do not get your infraction expunged, you do not pay. 


No Hidden Fees

Beware of law firms that have hidden fees on their infraction expungement service (e.g., processing fees, hearing fees, etcetera).  I offer low fixed pricing, which means you know what your infraction expungement will cost upfront with no hidden fees.  My single low price covers everything from start to finish.


Criminal Database Updating After Expungement

All criminal databases used for employment background checks, private and public, will automatically update within 30 days after your infraction expungement is complete.  You should never pay a company or law firm for any service that claims to “expedite” this updating process. 


Expedited Infraction Expungement Service

I am able to expedite my infraction expungement service in most counties reducing the average six-12-week processing time to 30 days for those that need to put their past behind them in a hurry.  This expedited service is only an extra $300.  If you are interested in this service please call me to find out if expedited service is available in the county where your conviction took place.


California Infraction Expungement Summary

A common misperception is that infractions on your record do not matter, and/or that they get automatically removed from your record after passage of a certain period of time.  The fact is that (1) over 80% of employers do background checks, and (2) if you have an infraction on your record an employer will see it.  In the current competitive job market your infraction has a very serious possibility of negatively impacting your marketability.  Further, an infraction conviction will not get removed from your criminal record unless you expunge the conviction no matter how much time elapses.


Below is a list of some of the more popular infractions that my clients have had expunged from their criminal record:

     1. Disturbing the peace

     2. Failure to appear in court

     3. Fraud

     4. Illegal purchase of alcohol

     5. Marijuana possession

     6. Petty theft

     7. Trespassing


Although the above infractions are not as serious as a felony or misdemeanor on your record, they can still be embarrassing and negatively impact your ability to secure employment.  I can file a Penal Code 1203.4 petition with the court to have it re-open the case, set aside the factual finding of guilt or nolo contendere (i.e., no contest) plea, set aside the conviction, and dismiss the case in its entirety.  Moving forward you will no longer be considered convicted of the infraction by the state and your criminal record will be permanently modified to show a dismissal rather than a infraction conviction.  Once the court expunges the infraction you can truthfully tell employers, your family, and all other interested parties you have not previously been convicted of a crime.


Requirements to Qualify for Infraction Expungement

1. You must have satisfied all the requirements of your sentence (i.e., fines, restitution, mandatory programs, community service, classes, etcetera).

2. You are not currently charged with another criminal offense, on probation for another criminal offense, or serving a sentence for another criminal offense.

3. The infraction cannot be a vehicular infraction.


Benefits of Infraction Expungement

Other than the mental relief you experience by permanently putting your infraction conviction officially behind you an infraction expungement offers many tangible benefits.

      1. Private employers in nearly all cases cannot ask about convictions that were dismissed under Penal Code 1203.4, nor can a dismissed conviction be considered for employment purposes.

     2. Your expunged infraction conviction will not show up on most employer background checks.

     3. You can truthfully and legally answer “no” on private sector job applications when asked if you have ever been convicted of a crime.

     4. You can greatly increase your earning capacity by becoming eligible for more employment opportunities.

     5. You can tell friends and family you have not been convicted of a crime.

     6. You have the satisfaction of forgetting the past for good and moving forward into a positive future.


Lowest Price Guarantee

Getting your infraction expunged should not be an expensive process.  I guarantee that I offer the lowest price for infraction expungement.